Posts tagged with 'Brazil'
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a cost-effective mass transportation system characterized by exclusive bus lanes and reduction of travel times, high-passenger capacity and level boarding, and a relatively short construction process. Latin America and Asia are becoming the world leaders ...
A sleek, air-conditioned vehicle picks you up at your front door. The seats recline for your comfort. You pull a shade across the window to block the sun’s glare while catching up on your favourite show, which you stream on ...
Google Transit has come to the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. Google Transit’s introduction to developing cities like Porto Alegre provides enormous potential benefits to urban residents by allowing them to plot a course from one location to another ...
EMBARQ, the sustainable urban transport and urban development program of the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Bank are co-organizing Transforming Transportation on January 16 and 17 in Washington, D.C. Join the conversation on social media with hashtag #TTDC14, by following @EMBARQNetwork and @wbsustaindev on Twitter, ...
Urban transport is on its way to becoming a social right in Brazil. On December 4, PEC 90 – a proposed amendment to Article Six of the Brazilian Constitution that would define transport as a social right – was approved ...
The impacts of what has become a widespread physical inactivity epidemic affect everyone in every nation. – Designed To Move If global trends in physical activity continue as they stand today, Brazilians will be 34% less active by 2030 than ...
Last week Porto Alegre, Brazil launched datapoa, a new open data portal that gathers information directly from the city’s residents on themes including mobility, environment, geography, urban sanitation, and public health. The goal of datapoa is to encourage people to learn ...
Traffic figures in Brazilian cities reflect a real civil war – on average, 109 people die every day and about 1,000 are injured in streets throughout the country. Just this past year, more than 40,000 died and 40 billion dollars were ...
Urban residents worldwide encounter a myriad of accessibility challenges every day, many of which pose particular challenges to individuals with disabilities. In an effort to identify these daily challenges, a partnership between the Association for Assistance to Disabled Children (AACD) and IBM recently ...
It’s a pity that one of the biggest newspapers in Brazil, the State of São Paulo (Estado de São Paulo) dedicated its editorial on October 10 to reducing debate on the important issue of mobility in the city of São ...
Innovative and sustainable urban mobility is in the spotlight this week in São Paulo, Brazil, after the Virada Da Mobilidade (Turn of Mobility) alternative transport festival concluded yesterday. The good news from São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil, is that ...
An international team led by Erin Cooper, Research Analyst for EMBARQ, won The Fred Burggraf Award for excellence in transportation research by researchers 35 years of age or younger. Photo by the World Resources Institute. What led you and your ...
President Dilma Rousseff and Minister of Cities Aguinaldo Ribeiro made the announcement of funding in São Bernardo do Campo, yesterday, August 19th. Photo by Rodrigo Nunes / MinCidades. This year, São Paulo has launched 100 km (62 miles) of bus lanes across ...
A large delegation from Russia arrived yesterday in Brazil, ready to tour the country’s infrastructure, to learn about best practices for urban mobility. Representatives from the Russian Ministry of Transport, researchers, and municipal Secretaries of Transportation will tour Brazil in ...
In order for a system to be truly accessible, it must be accessible at all links in the transport chain. Photo by EMBARQ. Ten percent of the world’s population has a disability. That’s 650 million people, 80% of whom live ...
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