Posts tagged with 'boda boda'
Building New Informal Bus Routes to Advance Transportation Equity
Building New Informal Bus Routes to Advance Transportation Equity
Do informal transport networks in African cities provide equitable services for everyone that needs them? Unsurprisingly, the answer is often no. Operators frequently prefer to drive the safest and most central routes, inadvertently prioritizing commuters traveling to formal jobs in ...
Ramping Up Use of Electric Vehicles Across Africa
Ramping Up Use of Electric Vehicles Across Africa
At COP28, global climate leaders congregated in Dubai for the annual opportunity to review countries’ progress on emissions reductions and to increase climate ambition. One of the conference’s focal points was how to rapidly and equitably transition away from fossil ...
3 Ways Countries Are Expanding Electric Mobility Access
3 Ways Countries Are Expanding Electric Mobility Access
As the pandemic has changed the way we get around and purchase goods, the world is considering how to make transport more efficient and sustainable. We’ve seen increasing efforts to expand electric mobility, as governments formulate policies to stimulate adoption ...
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
For men, women, and children, movement around and across Ugandan cities is dominated by minibuses, motorcycle taxis and walking. However, gender roles and differences in priorities and values mean women’s and men’s travel needs can differ widely. Recently, interviews conducted ...
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Multimodal public transport in Uganda is widespread but largely an informal affair. Kampala, like many African cities, relies on this informal system – comprised largely of taxis (14-seater minibuses) and boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) – to provide much-needed connectivity to ...
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