Posts tagged with 'Bengaluru'
Public transit is not only a vital network connecting people to jobs, services and one another; it’s also an important climate solution. The world needs to double public transit capacity by 2030 as part of its larger roadmap to slash planet-warming emissions ...
The world recently experienced a 13-month streak of record-breaking global temperatures. And as blistering heat waves punish communities across several continents, 2024 is on track to be the hottest year on record. Global average temperatures are now perilously close to exceeding 1.5 ...
India’s vibrant streets, a reflection of its dynamic culture, are unfortunately also the setting of a grim reality. Every year, approximately 150,000 people die on Indian roads, which translates to an average of 47 accidents and 18 deaths every hour. In ...
Bengaluru is one of the world’s fastest growing metropolitan economies. A favored destination for investors and talent alike, this leading innovation hub is one of the largest technology clusters worldwide and home to 400 Fortune 500 companies. However, the planning ...
Achieving transformation in today’s cities requires the active and ongoing participation of many stakeholders, from the public sector, to civil society, private companies and academia. Non-government organizations can play a crucial role due to their commitment to improving the quality ...
With cities facing population growth, changing work patterns, the climate crisis and ever-widening inequality gaps, improved transportation systems are critical. City governments and local leaders are uniquely positioned to foster innovation to serve public needs. Teaming up with private sector ...
Today’s city leaders face a level of complexity and rapid pace of change that can be overwhelming. Particularly in developing countries, urbanization is unfolding quickly and often haphazardly. One in three urban residents worldwide lack adequate access to at least ...
India is projected to overtake China as the most populous country in the world this year. The shifting demographics are bound to create heightened demand for education, health care, jobs and civic amenities, putting existing systems under stress. Current urban ...
Most people in India walk – to work, to the market or to the railway station. According to the 2011 Indian census, 48% of people walk or cycle to work every day compared to the less than 3% of people ...
“I find it scary to cross this junction. I literally have to run to save my life,” says Varsha, a resident of Bengaluru in southern India who crosses the Balekundri Circle in the central part of the city every day. ...
When was the last time you walked through the market without being conscious about other people walking close to you or the last time you took a stroll to a neighborhood park without thinking about the hygiene around? The COVID-19 ...
This article was originally published on Global Dashboard, as part of their Scenarios Week series, exploring and expanding on Long Crisis Scenarios. For professional optimists like me in the business of advancing an alternative, more wholesome economic model, the temptation can ...
For many city leaders, more cars and more highways mean better transportation. And during the current pandemic, fear of COVID-19’s spread is pushing some to turn to private vehicles. But a safe, sustainable transport future does not include further dependence ...
As cities across India contend with rapid outward expansion and growth, critical urban services are lagging behind, impacting long-term environmental sustainability, public health and quality of life. Rapid urbanization and the realities of climate change require the implementation of solutions ...
In Cape Town, South Africa, and Chennai, India, “Day Zero” events where cities run out of water have drawn global media attention. But while these catastrophes seem like rare, temporary crises caused by droughts or mismanagement, life without ample water ...