Posts tagged with 'air pollution'
China’s Clean Air Challenge: Time to Cut Maritime Pollution
China’s Clean Air Challenge: Time to Cut Maritime Pollution
While cars and trucks are often blamed for air pollution, it’s time to bring ships into the equation. The maritime sector—mainly ships and ports—contributes a large share of air pollutant emissions in coastal cities and casts a deathly pall over ...
How Commuting Choices Influence Quality of Life in India’s Cities
How Commuting Choices Influence Quality of Life in India’s Cities
Cities across India are undertaking a variety of land-use, transportation and housing projects, but most plans do not consider the connection between the built environment and the health of residents. This is a mistake, according to new research by the ...
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
For Pittsburgh, it’s a focus on improving air quality and creating renewable energy jobs. For Paris, it’s encouraging social mobility and reclaiming pedestrian areas. The common thread in these cities’ climate action plans is a commitment to pledges made by ...
Toward Car-Free Cities: Stockholm Shows the Sometimes-Bumpy Road to Congestion Charges
Toward Car-Free Cities: Stockholm Shows the Sometimes-Bumpy Road to Congestion Charges
“Toward Car-Free Cities,” a blog series by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Urban Mobility Team, explores the challenges and opportunities for Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies. TDM focuses on reducing the demand for private vehicles through combining public policy ...
China’s Clean Air Challenge: $3 Billion Air Pollution from Transport in Chengdu
This is the third installment of WRI’s China’s Clean Air Challenge blog series. This series examines the increasing social, environmental and economic impacts of the serious air quality challenge in Chinese cities and investigates the sources of emissions and sustainable ...
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
With 26 million inhabitants, Delhi’s metropolitan area is the fifth largest in the world. But the city also has terrible air quality, with an annual average particulate matter 15 times the recommendation of the World Health Organization. Air pollution is ...
World Water Day: How “Sludge” Can Power China’s Cities While Cutting Emissions
World Water Day: How “Sludge” Can Power China’s Cities While Cutting Emissions
Last December, Beijing’s city government issued a “red alert” for smog levels—the highest possible designation. Schools and construction sites closed, traffic was restricted, and air pollution reached 10 times the World Health Organization’s recommended limit. Meanwhile, residents in neighboring cities ...
New Data Shows São Paulo's Carfree Movement Reduces Air and Noise Pollution
New Data Shows São Paulo's Carfree Movement Reduces Air and Noise Pollution
Major changes in thinking never happen easily. Projects that change established structures and routines typically encounter significant resistance along the way. Changing entrenched thinking, therefore, often requires finding ways to demonstrate the positive impacts of change. Paulista Aberta is one ...
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