Posts in the 'Urban Development' category
Harnessing Tanzania’s Explosive Urbanization Requires Central Support for Local Goals
Harnessing Tanzania’s Explosive Urbanization Requires Central Support for Local Goals
Tanzania is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Its urban population is projected to grow from less than 15 million people in 2012 to more than 60 million people by mid-century. Most of this growth will take place in Dar es Salaam, ...
Friday Fun: How Pop-Up Clothing Shops Help Create More Equal and Sustainable Cities
Friday Fun: How Pop-Up Clothing Shops Help Create More Equal and Sustainable Cities
Everyone, in one way or another, relies on clothing every day. Clothing is essential to keeping us warm and protecting us from the elements. Yet, ill-fitting clothing or having no clothes at all can cause great hardship beyond exposure to ...
Between the Road and the Built Environment: Exploring New Opportunities for Africa’s Cities
Between the Road and the Built Environment: Exploring New Opportunities for Africa’s Cities
WRI Ross Center’s engagement with sub-Saharan African cities is emerging with new projects, research and training programs. In this series, we explore – and ask partners – how to pursue and maintain equal and sustainable cities, highlighting people, spaces, challenges ...
Public Spaces: What Can Urban Planning Gain from the Mobile Internet Revolution?
Public Spaces: What Can Urban Planning Gain from the Mobile Internet Revolution?
Our impressions of a city are formed mainly by the quality of public spaces. If they are not pleasant and preserved, or if they transmit a sense of insecurity, we will seldom return. Good planning of these spaces should be the rule, ...
Public Spaces: 10 Principles for Better Urban Renewal (Hint: Think Community Engagement)
Public Spaces: 10 Principles for Better Urban Renewal (Hint: Think Community Engagement)
Our impressions of a city are formed mainly by the quality of public spaces. If they are not pleasant and preserved, or if they transmit a sense of insecurity, we will seldom return. Good planning of these spaces should be the rule, ...
Public Spaces: Participation as a Tool to Build More Democratic Cities
Public Spaces: Participation as a Tool to Build More Democratic Cities
Our impressions of a city are formed mainly by the quality of public spaces. If they are not pleasant and preserved, or if they transmit a sense of insecurity, we will seldom return. Good planning of these spaces should be the rule, ...
Public Spaces: The Economic and Symbolic Value
Our impressions of a city are formed mainly by the quality of public spaces. If they are not pleasant and preserved, or if they transmit a sense of insecurity, we will seldom return. Good planning of these spaces should be the rule, ...
Public Spaces: 10 Principles for Connecting People and the Streets
Our impressions of a city are formed mainly by the quality of public spaces. If they are not pleasant and preserved, or if they transmit a sense of insecurity, we will seldom return. Good planning of these spaces should be the rule, ...
Real Estate Regulation Act: A Potential Opportunity for Transit-Oriented Development
Real Estate Regulation Act: A Potential Opportunity for Transit-Oriented Development
The real estate sector is one of the largest contributors to India’s GDP, and it is expected to grow by 30 percent over the next decade. However, it is also considered the “most ambiguous sector to transact under,” with insufficient ...
What About the People? Unlocking the Key to Socially Sustainable and Resilient Communities
Rapid urbanization, economic growth and climate change are putting increasing pressure on urban communities around the world. While strong physical structures are important, social relationships play a key role in determining urban communities’ resilience during adverse weather events. Community resilience ...
With National Urban Policies, the Process Is the Goal
An expanding body of research shows that cities are truly the nexus of the global agenda. But as cities have been recognized as key to a host of global aims, it has become increasingly complex to parse through priorities, processes ...
Unaffordability Is a Problem, but Sprawl Is a Terrible Solution
Many hard-working families spend more than they can afford on housing and transportation, leaving them with insufficient money to spend on other essential goods such as food and healthcare. This is a tragedy. It results, in part, from public policies ...
Overcoming the Knowledge Gaps for Transit-Oriented Development: What’s Lacking?
With an increase in their rate of urbanization, many low- to middle-income countries are feeling additional demand for services, amenities and infrastructure. To address this, several cities have followed unorganized development practices (like building bigger and faster), only to meet ...
The “Superblocks” of Barcelona: Despite Protests, City Follows with Sustainable Strategy
In 2016, Barcelona launched superblocks, an innovative strategy to combat air pollution caused by vehicle traffic in the city. The sustainable tactic was detailed in Barcelona’s Mobility Plan, which aims to reduce traffic by 21 percent. Additionally, it says that ...
What an Indian Town Shows Us About Integrated and Accessible Cities
What an Indian Town Shows Us About Integrated and Accessible Cities
Bangalore, India’s third largest city with 8.5 million people and a decadal growth rate of 46 percent, is known for its rapid, modern development driven by electronic and software enterprises. In the last decade, quaint neighborhoods have transformed into high-rise ...
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