Posts in the 'Urban Development' category
Transport and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Transport and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Last week, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) released its first Human Development Report for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The report, “Acting On The Future: Breaking The Intergenerational Cycle Of Inequality” (PDF in Spanish), focuses on policies that ...
London Shifts into Bike-Share Gear
London Shifts into Bike-Share Gear
Just after officially opening two of twelve planned “Barclay’s Cycle Superhighways,” London is now just days away from launching its new bike share system. The system, called Barclay’s Cycle Hire (at this point, the sponsor has become obvious, right?), will ...
No Need for Change: Hawaiian Town Provides Free Shuttle for the Homeless
No Need for Change: Hawaiian Town Provides Free Shuttle for the Homeless
Kalaeloa, Hawaii is starting a free shuttle service to help the area’s poorest residents get around and reach its largest transit hub, which services nearby Honolulu. Every day, extremely poor people who need to make it to work (many homeless ...
Adios, Del Boca Vista! NYC "Kinder and Gentler" for Retirees
Adios, Del Boca Vista! NYC "Kinder and Gentler" for Retirees
Maybe it’s time for senior Seinfelds to come back from the Del Boca Vista retirement community. In an effort to keep senior citizens — and their pocketbooks — in New York, the city is working to make its streets safer ...
Tips for Hot Transit Passengers: Avoid Sighing and Persistent Moaning
Tips for Hot Transit Passengers: Avoid Sighing and Persistent Moaning
As the East Coast roasts in a massive heat wave — made worse in cities suffering from the “urban heat island” effect — Reuters India has published some useful tips on how to “stay cool and considerate” in the summertime. Many ...
Spotlight on the World Cup: Brazil Gears Up for Games with Urban Transit Investments
Spotlight on the World Cup: Brazil Gears Up for Games with Urban Transit Investments
As the 2010 World Cup winds down, South Africa’s IBSA ally, Brazil,  is already anxious for the 2014 matches to arrive. They got the ball rolling yesterday, revealing the logo for the 2014 tournament. Twelve Brazilian cities have been selected to ...
Light Rail for L.A.'s Westside
Light Rail for L.A.'s Westside
A few weeks ago, we wrote about California’s promising Senate Bill 375 (SB 375), which encourages transit-oriented development by requiring metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) “to create and implement land use plans that use compact, coordinated, and efficient development patterns to ...
Forecast for the Future's Cities: Hot!
Forecast for the Future's Cities: Hot!
On the hottest days of summer, AC-less city-folk can be found sticking their heads in refrigerators and sinks full of ice water, putting their faces in front of fans — or open fire hydrants — and guzzling ice cold beverages ...
Rio Passengers Get More Time on Transit for Single Fare
Rio Passengers Get More Time on Transit for Single Fare
Recently, we wrote about how public transit costs and long travel times can force people to sleep on the streets in Rio’s central zones. Now, the state government has taken a small but promising step toward relieving these problems by ...
Spotlight on the World Cup: Small Urban Interventions Enhance Host City
Spotlight on the World Cup: Small Urban Interventions Enhance Host City
I’ve been in Johannesburg for the past two and a half weeks for the World Cup, perfecting my vuvuzela skills, watching endless hours of soccer and enjoying the fantastic festival atmosphere here. Living in Cape Town in 2004 when South ...
Access for All: Transit Cuts Hit U.S. Cities' Less Fortunate
Access for All: Transit Cuts Hit U.S. Cities' Less Fortunate
This summer TheCityFix started a new series, Access for All, about how we can use sustainable transportation development to ensure increased accessibility for poor city dwellers, particularly in developing countries. Now, with 84% of U.S. transit agencies facing service cuts and ...
Access for All: Rio Street Dwellers Blame Poor Public Transit
Access for All: Rio Street Dwellers Blame Poor Public Transit
This is the first post in TheCityFix’s series, “Access for All,” about how we can use sustainable transportation development to ensure increased accessibility for poor city dwellers, particularly in developing countries. As Rio prepares to host the World Cup in ...
Keepin' Up with Curitiba
Keepin' Up with Curitiba
Curitiba, Brazil has long provided a global model for successful integration of transportation and land use planning, with a focus on environmental preservation. And recent innovations –  including the brand new Green Line and an expanded traditional route  – deserve international ...
McKinsey: India's "Urban Awakening" Depends on Sustainable Transport and Land Use
McKinsey: India's "Urban Awakening" Depends on Sustainable Transport and Land Use
“If India continues with its current unplanned urbanization path, it will result in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life in its cities, putting even today’s rates of economic growth at risk,” says an April 2010 report published by ...
New Report: "Bright Flight" Means Younger, More Affluent Cities
New Report: "Bright Flight" Means Younger, More Affluent Cities
A new study from the Brookings Institution, “The State of Metropolitan America,” shows that, for the first time, America’s suburbs are more likely to be home to minorities, the poor and a rapidly growing older population, while younger, educated whites ...
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