Posts in the 'Energy + Climate Change' category
For “Green Hills and Clear Waters,” China Must Address Transport Emissions
For “Green Hills and Clear Waters,” China Must Address Transport Emissions
China has made significant achievements in environmental development, especially in controlling and preventing air pollution, over the past five years. As Premier Li Keqiang said in the Government Work Report he delivered to the ongoing first session of the 13th ...
Photo Essay: In a Global First, Shenzhen Steers Toward 100% Electric Bus Fleet
Photo Essay: In a Global First, Shenzhen Steers Toward 100% Electric Bus Fleet
From a small collection of fishing villages 40 years ago to a metropolis on track for a global milestone, Shenzhen has come further, faster than most cities. Already home to the largest fleet of electric buses in the world – ...
Measuring Climate Success with New Common Reporting Framework for Cities
Measuring Climate Success with New Common Reporting Framework for Cities
The UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, has highlighted the importance of sub-national actors to translating commitment to action and meeting global climate goals. But as more non-state actors pledge action, how do we measure success? What is sustainability? What is ...
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
When President Donald Trump announced his intention to pull the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions out of the Paris Agreement, there was understandable concern. But much of the United States pledged to continue moving forward with climate ...
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
At this week’s climate conference in Bonn, Germany, the pressure is on many national governments to continue implementation of the Paris Agreement despite the United States’ intention to withdraw. But they’ll have help from the world’s cities. Bonn is shaping ...
Powering Cities in the Global South: How Energy Access for All Benefits the Economy and the Environment
Powering Cities in the Global South: How Energy Access for All Benefits the Economy and the Environment
Kumar is the sole provider for his family. He runs an ironing service in Bengaluru that brings in between $6 and $7.50 a day, enough to barely get by. When the power cuts out two to three times a day ...
Can Reef and Beach Insurance Improve Coastal Resilience?
Can Reef and Beach Insurance Improve Coastal Resilience?
When you hear the word “nature,” what do you think about? A pristine beach? Maybe your favorite wild animal? Nature means different things to different people. But do you think of nature as a powerful source of protection from storms, rising ...
To Improve Core Services, Cities Should Embrace Disruption
To Improve Core Services, Cities Should Embrace Disruption
Innovative business models can turn entire industries on their head – just ask retail executives how Amazon has changed their world, mobility companies about Uber, or music magnates about Apple’s legacy. How we shop, move, and enjoy music is fundamentally ...
3 Reasons Renewable Energy Is Poised to Take Off in Developing Nations
3 Reasons Renewable Energy Is Poised to Take Off in Developing Nations
You often hear about renewable energy success stories in cities in the developed world – places like Vancouver, which has committed to get 100 percent of its energy from renewable sources before 2050, or San Diego, which has promised to ...
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
For Pittsburgh, it’s a focus on improving air quality and creating renewable energy jobs. For Paris, it’s encouraging social mobility and reclaiming pedestrian areas. The common thread in these cities’ climate action plans is a commitment to pledges made by ...
Live from Habitat III: Four Priorities for Creating Economically, Environmentally and Socially Resilient Cities
Live from Habitat III: Four Priorities for Creating Economically, Environmentally and Socially Resilient Cities
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. Habitat III, the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, officially began on Monday, October 17th in Quito. ...
Live from Habitat III: Innovative Financing, New Mobility Initiatives, the Importance of Core Urban Service and More
Live from Habitat III: Innovative Financing, New Mobility Initiatives, the Importance of Core Urban Service and More
Habitat III officially launched today, and TheCityFix was on the ground in Quito to report on the urgent messages and announcements to emerge from Day One. Follow here for coverage of WRI’s presence. Making the New Urban Agenda Work for ...
Live from Habitat III: A Focus on Housing, Energy and Transport for More Equal Cities
Live from Habitat III: A Focus on Housing, Energy and Transport for More Equal Cities
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. “The New Urban Agenda is about the challenge of making cities work—for the economy, for the environment, for people. It’s ...
Why Now Is the Time to Make Energy Access in Cities a Top Priority
Why Now Is the Time to Make Energy Access in Cities a Top Priority
Urban leaders from around the world are meeting in Quito, Ecuador, on October 17-20, 2016, to set the global agenda for the future of cities at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as Habitat III. ...
Bangalore’s Airport to Become a Leader in Solar Energy Production
Bangalore’s Airport to Become a Leader in Solar Energy Production
The WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Sustainable and Livable Cities Initiative supports key leaders in China, India and Brazil in improving urban quality of life and environmental sustainability. WRI’s blog series on the Initiative will highlight some of the projects that ...
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