Posts in the 'Guest Contributor' category
What Are We Learning About Urban Wellbeing During COVID-19?
What Are We Learning About Urban Wellbeing During COVID-19?
In recent years, many cities have launched new efforts to build healthier urban environments – happier, safer and cleaner places to work and play. Then, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. But in many ways, it laid bare the ...
To Combat Climate Change, Electrification Needs Compact Cities for Full Impact
To Combat Climate Change, Electrification Needs Compact Cities for Full Impact
This year, reports have indicated that to keep temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C, there must be a major drop in greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation sector is the fastest growing contributor of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and must be drastically transformed ...
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
Electric vehicles may own the headlines, but our feet remain the most environmentally friendly means of travel, closely followed by bicycles, skateboards, scooters, tricycles and other active, non-motorized modes. Not only does zero-emission active mobility help protect the climate and ...
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
As COP26 is in full swing in Glasgow, countries worldwide have failed to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement targets to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But cities are a bright spot. Many have developed climate action plans ...
Daring Cities 2021: Going from Ambitious Climate Goals to Impactful, On-the-Ground Solutions
Daring Cities 2021: Going from Ambitious Climate Goals to Impactful, On-the-Ground Solutions
The need to set aggressive goals, backed by meaningful numbers, is an obvious starting point in the fight against climate change. It’s common knowledge that if global warming exceeds 1.5C, we face the prospect of everything from increasingly extreme weather ...
Creating the Future of Cities with Regenerative Placemaking
Creating the Future of Cities with Regenerative Placemaking
This past year has been one of deep transformation, as we continue to live through one of the most influential events in human history. Amid the global pandemic, the social and racial inequality gap continues to widen. And the world’s ...
How Cities Can Rethink Housing After COVID-19
How Cities Can Rethink Housing After COVID-19
When the world shut down last March, the urban housing conversation took on a radically different hue. Suddenly, housing was a public health concern – which, of course, it always had been. Where you live, and under what conditions, appeared ...
Pneumatic Tube Trains and AVs to the Rescue? Smarter Planning for New Mobility
Pneumatic Tube Trains and AVs to the Rescue? Smarter Planning for New Mobility
When shopping for a car, you’ll find numerous websites and guides that provide detailed information on their costs and performance, plus ratings and reviews. However, there is much less data about emerging transportation technologies and services that are poised to ...
Sparking Inclusive Urban Transformation in These Revolutionary Times
Sparking Inclusive Urban Transformation in These Revolutionary Times
Two years ago, I participated in the learning roundtable for the first cycle of the WRI Ross Center Prize for Cities. I confess that my expectations were rather moderate, but that, to my surprise, I found it truly refreshing and ...
Digital Solutions for the Urban Services Divide: The GSMA Innovation Fund for Digital Urban Services
Digital Solutions for the Urban Services Divide: The GSMA Innovation Fund for Digital Urban Services
Last month the GSMA announced the launch of the GSMA Innovation Fund for Digital Urban Services funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The application deadline for the GSMA Innovation Fund for Digital Urban Services is July ...
5 Ways to Achieve Circular Development at the Local Level
5 Ways to Achieve Circular Development at the Local Level
The circular economy turns linear supply chains into loops so that nothing is wasted. Ideally, there is no more end of the line like a landfill. Practitioners look at all the options across supply chains to use as few resources ...
Informal Transport Must Play a Bigger Role in Post-Pandemic Recovery. Here’s How That Can Happen.
Informal Transport Must Play a Bigger Role in Post-Pandemic Recovery. Here’s How That Can Happen.
Crisis often sparks changes to the ways we move. Post-war prosperity made the automobile a household item, and lifestyle. The 1970s global oil and fiscal crisis brought a short-lived bike boom and a retreat of city dollars for public transit. ...
7 Proven Ways City Leaders Can Work Better Together to Create Resilient Cities
7 Proven Ways City Leaders Can Work Better Together to Create Resilient Cities
In cities around the world, local officials face multi-dimensional sustainability and resilience challenges and are often responsible for achieving many overlapping mandates. More effective solutions require cross-cutting responses and collaboration across multiple levels of government and sectors. New research reveals ...
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
Better Parking Management Can Help Cities Recover from COVID and Achieve Public Policy Goals
In some ways, cities are like households: they must make adjustments in spending based on cash flow. If your income is cut in half, then you may have to dramatically rethink your standard of living. COVID-19 has hit many households ...
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Incidents of building collapse are worryingly common in large African cities. One study counted 54 building collapse deaths and 122 injuries in Kampala, Uganda, between 2004 and 2008. Another identified 112 cases in Lagos, Nigeria, from 1978 to 2008. Cities in Ghana and Kenya, ...
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