Recent Posts by Noah
Boston’s commuter rail is informally known as the “Purple Line.” Maryland still hasn’t decided whether its Purple Line will be light rail or bus rapid transit. Photo by Pylon757. Today’s a big day for the Purple Line. (Check out our ...
Metro ridership is up. Bus ridership is down. What gives? Photo by Teo. The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) released their ridership numbers for the first quarter on Monday, and there’s some very interesting news for D.C. and for the ...
Can D.C. use a bag tax to fund public transportation? Photo by nicasaurusrex. Yesterday, the D.C. Council finalized the five cent tax on paper and plastic bags at grocery, drug, convenience and liquor stores. This is a good move for ...
D.C. plans to build 15 miles of new sidewalks. Photo by BrittneyBush. The Wash Cycle pointed out today that Mayor Fenty has announced he’ll be spending $4 million in stimulus money on new sidewalks, enough to build 15 miles of ...
Times Square is transforming itself into a pedestrian- and cycle-friendly public space. Photo by Lorrie McClanahan. I wrote yesterday about SmartBike DC, the capital’s new bike sharing program, and its plans to expand dramatically in the next two years. It ...
You may have seen SmartBike stations around downtown D. C. Although, you may not have noticed: For now, it’s just a pilot program (the first in the country, in fact) and there are currently only 10 stations and 120 bikes. ...
Aerial view of Washington, D.C. Photo by adam79. Editor’s note: is going local. Stay tuned for our online expansion, which will include local editions of our coverage in cities across the world, including Washington, D.C., where our offices are ...