Recent Posts by Erica
We are very excited to announce that At-Large D.C. Councilmember Kwame Brown (connect with him on TheCityFix Social!) is encouraging local residents to report transportation-related issues caused by the record-breaking snow storms this week. Need your street to be plowed? ...
It all started four months ago, when TheCityFix blogger David Daddio reported an issue on SeeClickFix about a dangerous intersection at U Street and Florida Ave., east of 18th Street NW. Over just several days, the report got responses from ...
An important announcement from our friends at Next American City, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization and quarterly magazine dedicated to making cities better. They’re hosting the annual Next American Vanguard conference, and offering stipends to young urban leaders to participate in ...
Sidewalks in Mumbai are feeling the squeeze. Pedestrians, street vendors, scooters and squatters all compete for space on the gridlocked footpaths around the city, where nearly 60% of the population travels by foot. In response to this overcrowding, the city ...
A few more cities recently joined the worldwide global health campaign, 1000 Cities 1000 Lives, which we wrote about previously here. The campaign, sponsored by the World Health Organization, was launched with the goal to get 1,000 cities around the ...
A “lack of investment in biking and walking could be contributing to higher traffic fatalities and chronic disease rates in the U.S.,” according to a new report released today by the Alliance for Biking & Walking. Here are some of ...
Last night, President Obama delivered his first State of the Union address, announcing that Florida will receive $1 billion for a high-speed rail line (running between Tampa and Orlando.) In total, 13 major corridors will receive $8 billion in stimulus ...
A highlight of yesterday’s TRB sessions was a panel discussion on the performance-based funding system that is widely expected to be included in reauthorization of the federal transportation bill. There is a growing consensus that in order to justify higher ...
EMBARQ – The WRI Center for Sustainable Transport is looking for a full-time, 12-week blogger to engage in social media outreach and manage digital content. Available to start as soon as possible, the position is located in EMBARQ’s Washington, D.C. ...
Copenhagen’s COP-15 meeting came and went, and now, it’s down to the details of figuring out how to implement the commitments and plans for action. A new draft report about the applicability of post-2012 instruments to the transport sector was ...
A message from EMBARQ (the producer of this blog) and its partners: We’re pleased to announce that registration for the annual Transforming Transportation event in Washington, D.C. on January 14-15 is now open. For details, please visit our Web site: ...
FrontSeat, the software company that brought you WalkScore, just released a great service called City-Go-Round. The new site is a clearinghouse of useful online and mobile transit applications across the United States. Transit applications and especially open transit data have ...
The World Resources Institute yesterday released a new English-language Web site,, dedicated to answering questions about climate change and energy in China. The easy-to-navigate online resource so far lists the bios and contact information of 26 experts, including nonprofit ...
As a follow-up post to our initial announcement of the Ecocity World Summit in Istanbul, scheduled for December 13-15, here are a few links to stories from the Ecocity Media website you may enjoy: Keep the EV Batteries, But Lose ...
Welcome to our first weekly installment of “What’s Schipper Saying?”, a “Where’s Waldo”-esque online scavenger hunt of comments about sustainable transport, cities and fuel efficiency made by EMBARQ Founder Lee Schipper, a senior research engineer at the Precourt Energy Efficiency ...
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