Posts tagged with 'road safety'
Who has the right to the city? While giving priority to pedestrians may seem obvious, many cities have been built around reliance on the automobile and now struggle to reclaim streets for pedestrians or fail to see the value in ...
Addis Ababa’s light rail transit system (LRT), launched in October 2015 as the first LRT in sub-Saharan Africa, serves some 120,000 passengers a day. The LRT may help reduce travel times for some, and lead to a safer, cleaner transport ...
The original version of this article appeared on ChinaDaily. The renaissance of bike-riding is a welcome development, so let’s improve conditions for the users. Orange, yellow, blue, green, rainbow…bike lanes in Chinese cities are quite colorful these days. Thanks to ...
Cities are complex and fast changing organisms, especially in low- and middle-income countries where rapid population growth, urbanization and technological advances are creating a dynamic mix of opportunity and challenge. One major issue facing many cities is road safety. On ...
This week is UN Global Road Safety Week, focused on the theme “Slow Down, Save Lives.” WRI works to make cities around the world safer and more sustainable by implementing street design and regulations that reduce vehicle speeds while supporting walking and ...
This week is UN Global Road Safety Week, focused on the theme “Slow Down, Save Lives.” WRI works to make cities around the world safer and more sustainable by implementing street design and regulations that reduce vehicle speeds while supporting walking ...
In January, at Washington D.C.’s Transforming Transportation, representatives from ten global cities gathered to share how they are fighting the unacceptable level of traffic deaths in their cities. While they may differ in many ways, the cities share a common ...
From taxi apps to car sharing, from buses to the metro, from bike sharing to walking, not to mention personal cars, there are more transportation choices than ever before for that staple of modern life: the daily commute. The same ...
In Beijing, Chennai and Fortaleza, the rate of fatalities from road crashes is more than 15 deaths per 100,000 residents. What do these cities have in common? They have traffic lanes wider than 3.6 meters (11.8 feet). A long-standing belief ...
Habitat III in Quito was the largest UN meeting to date, with more than 36,000 people from 167 countries, thousands of organizations and institutions, hundreds of meetings and side events and the adoption of the New Urban Agenda (NUA). Habitat ...
The coming of autonomous vehicle technology shows great promise for eliminating traffic deaths and serious road injuries. They could also make life a lot easier, but only if they are done right. Reducing traffic fatalities will depend on how cities ...
TheCityFix is live on the ground from Habitat III. Click here for our full coverage. “We need to stop building cities for vehicles, and build cities for people,” remarked Quito’s Deputy Mayor, Eduardo del Pozo, setting the opening tone for ...
Everyday, 1.8 billion children go to school. While some of them use the sidewalks, other have to cross wide avenues – some even have to cross highways. And every day 500 of these children don’t make it to their classes, ...
A video went viral earlier this month in Mexico. Ari Santillan, urban activist and contributor to TheCityFix Mexico, was biking home after work on a dedicated bus-bike lane in Mexico City when a car, driving illegally in the lane, started ...
Every year, approximately 1.25 million people die in road traffic crashes. In 2015, India recorded 146,133 road traffic fatalities, which means that the country accounts for over 11 percent of the global numbers. While India is home to roughly two percent of ...
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