Posts tagged with 'Africa'
A project called Bicycle Portraits, developed by two South African bicycling enthusiasts, looks at biking culture in South Africa’s cities — the lack of it, as well as the stories of those who use bicycles to move about the country. ...
Cycling out of Poverty (CooP), a nonprofit that supports bicycle projects in developing countries, invites students, designers and other cycling advocates to submit ideas for the African Bicycle Design Contest. The aim is to “design affordable quality bicycles tuned to ...
The Cycle for Health logo, via the Buckminster Fuller Challenge Web site. Yesterday, The City Fix wrote about the winners of the 2009 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, a design competition to “support the development and implementation of a strategy that has ...
Robin Chase at TED 2007. Photo by PMO on flickr. Robin Chase, founder and former CEO of Zipcar, joins as a regular contributor. Robin will be cross posting select items from her personal blog, Network Musings, where she’s been ...
A street shot of pedestrian friendly London. Photo by *Berto from Flickr. During the months of March and April I lived in pedestrian-friendly London, the biggest of the half-dozen cities around the world that now impose a congestion charge on ...
One of the primary causes of urbanization is what demographers call “rural to urban migration.” Migrants leave their homes in rural areas for a confluence of reasons — degraded farm land, drought, confiscated land, etc. — and move to cities, ...
A picture I shot while cruising New York’s innovative bike lane. Over the weekend I rode down to Chelsea to check out New York City’s newest experiment in sustainable transport: the separated bike lane. At less than 10 blocks (Manhattan ...
Photo by Will Okun. Published online by the New York Times. In the last year, New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristoff has made a thing of inviting students and young professionals to accompany him as he wanders the planet collecting ...