Can Urban Design Influence Driving Habits?

If we built cities differently, would people travel differently? Marlon Boarnet, professor of planning, policy, and design and economics from the University of California, Irvine set out to the answer that very question. Through his research, Boarnet works to address the social issues that surround transportation and land use.

Boarnet explains that one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are from the transportation sector. Specifically, Boarnet’s work aims to answer how to measure the impact that particular land use policies may have on greenhouse gas emission reductions.

With collaboration from his colleagues, Boarnet established the Metropolitan Futures Initiative, an effort that brings scientific research to the planning practice. Working along government officials and planners in metropolitan areas, MFI works to solve issues of planning and governance, economic vitality, improved quality of life and environmental sustainability.

Learn more about the Metropolitan Futures Initiative here.

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