Posts tagged with 'walking'
Mobile Apps Work to Make Walking Safer
Mobile Apps Work to Make Walking Safer
By now, the dangers of texting or talking on the phone while driving have been well-established. Nearly 30 percent of traffic accidents occur while people are talking or texting. But what about pedestrians and bikers? More and more, distracted pedestrians ...
Williamsburg Walks Again
Williamsburg Walks Again
Residents in Williamsburg, Brooklyn have received negative attention lately for their “too cool” attitude toward the U.S. Census –  the hipster enclave has the lowest rate of return (around 30 percent) in New York City. This is disparaging, considering that ...
Tip of the Helmet to Wilmington, N.C.
Tip of the Helmet to Wilmington, N.C.
Inspired by Stephen Colbert’s “Tip of the Hat,”  TheCityFix is starting a new series – “Tip of the Helmet” –  to give credit where it’s due as cities invest in sustainable transport, particularly for walking and cycling. To kick off ...
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Yesterday I attended “Biking, Walking, and Public Transport: Smart Mobility for the 21st Century” at the Goethe-Institut. The event kicked off with a great hands-on demonstration of how to change a bike tire by Daniel Hoagland, D.C.’s star bike ambassador. Some ...
Walking and Cycling in America: Restoring "Forgotten" Modes of Transport
Walking and Cycling in America: Restoring "Forgotten" Modes of Transport
Hurray! Yesterday brought great news for sustainable transportation advocates. On June 16, the Federal Highway Administration released its National Biking and Walking Study, analyzing trends in transportation over the past 20 years. Turns out, there is more federal funding for ...
Friday Fun: The Monsterbike
Friday Fun: The Monsterbike
Via, behold,  the Monster Bike It’s not the most functional thing in the world, but it definitely makes a bold statement. Do you have pictures or videos of “unique” bikes, scooters, trikes, or other sustainable transportation innovations? Email them ...
Stores Ditch Shopping Carts to Discourage Vehicle Use
Stores Ditch Shopping Carts to Discourage Vehicle Use
The Sydney City Council voted on Wednesday to ban trolleys (shopping carts) at a local market, citing shoppers’ propensity to load up carts with far more food than they can carry, and then rely on a car to get home. The ...
Benchmarking Walking and Bicycling in D.C.
Benchmarking Walking and Bicycling in D.C.
The Alliance for Biking & Walking released its “2010 Benchmarking Report” on bicycling and walking, showing data from all 50 states and the 51 largest U.S. cities. The Washington, D.C. factsheet reveals that the city compares favorably to the national ...
Abu Dhabi Showcases Sustainable Urban Design
Abu Dhabi Showcases Sustainable Urban Design
The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) in February released the Urban Street Design Manual, a 172-page guidebook that outlines design standards to create more walkable communities in Abu Dhabi, the largest and most oil-rich of the seven members of ...
Another U.S. Federal Agency on Board with Sustainable Transport
Another U.S. Federal Agency on Board with Sustainable Transport
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation…and now Health and Human Services, all lining up behind sustainable transportation goals? Could this be true? It could, and it is. The U.S. Department of Health ...
New Film Series Showcases City Transportation Innovations
New Film Series Showcases City Transportation Innovations
The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) today kicked off a new series of high-energy films documenting innovative transportation projects in big cities across the nation. The series of seven films showcases projects in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Los Angeles, Phoenix ...
Top 21 Time-Saving Cities
Top 21 Time-Saving Cities
Cities have been ranked in all kinds of ways. Best places to live, best access to the outdoors, most walkable, most obese, ease of landing a green job, best street art. Now, there’s a new city ranking: Real Simple magazine ...
Moving through the Recession, Part 4: Can We Sustain the Biking Boom?
Moving through the Recession, Part 4: Can We Sustain the Biking Boom?
This is the fourth installment of TheCityFix’s series Moving through the Recession, which explores how the worldwide economic slowdown has impacted transportation systems and users locally, nationally and internationally. Parts 1, 2 and 3 examined transit ridership, service cuts and ...
Google Maps Now Includes Bicycling Directions
Google Maps Now Includes Bicycling Directions
Google Maps now has directions for cyclists! In 2005, Google started offering directions for car drivers, then two years later, it added transit routes. The map navigation expanded to pedestrians in 2008. We’ve already written about how Google Maps is ...
Bikes on Board: The Latest Research on Bicycle/Transit Integration
Bikes on Board: The Latest Research on Bicycle/Transit Integration
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to make it to the recent TRB conference. But a few colleagues have come back from the conference bearing wonderful souvenirs, DVD-ROM discs packed full with details of the latest transportation research. As a budding bicycle ...
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