Posts tagged with 'New York City'
Video: Rit Aggarwala on the Promise of Big Data and a More Responsive City
Video: Rit Aggarwala on the Promise of Big Data and a More Responsive City
Rit Aggarwala says we should think of the city as a machine. “It requires capacity to handle the people, the traffic, the throughput, the sewage, the garbage, everything that a city is there to handle. And if it is overcapacity, ...
New York’s Plan to Save Subway Seen as a Test for New Ways to Support Transit
New York’s Plan to Save Subway Seen as a Test for New Ways to Support Transit
For the first time in over two decades, transit ridership in New York City is on a downward trend—and we should have seen it coming. Once a trailblazer for investment in mass transit, New York’s subway system is starting to ...
Toward Car-Free Cities: Why Congestion Charging Failed in New York
“Toward Car-Free Cities,” a blog series by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Urban Mobility Team, explores the challenges and opportunities for Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies. TDM focuses on reducing the demand for private vehicles through combining public policy ...
History in the Making: Habitat III Negotiators Release Final Draft of the New Urban Agenda
History in the Making: Habitat III Negotiators Release Final Draft of the New Urban Agenda
Last week, the final draft of the New Urban Agenda (NUA)—the document at the center of Habitat III in Quito next month—was released. After an unexpected stalemate at the Preparatory Committee in Surabaya in July, Habitat III negotiators convened this ...
New Year's Eve in Cartagena, Colombia
Celebrating New Year’s Eve in Public Spaces Worldwide
If one night out of the year were to demonstrate the value of public spaces for healthy, inclusive cities, New Year’s Eve might be the best example. Many urban areas attract millions of partygoers ever year, eager to ring in ...
Setting the Goal Posts for Energy Use: How Energy Efficiency Targets Trigger Action
Setting the Goal Posts for Energy Use: How Energy Efficiency Targets Trigger Action
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score — Bill Copeland. Goals help provide our everyday lives with structure, and operate similarly at the institutional ...
Cities Can Save Money by Investing in Natural Infrastructure for Water
Cities Can Save Money by Investing in Natural Infrastructure for Water
By 2030, the world is projected to spend an estimated $10 trillion on repairing and expanding water infrastructure. Dams and treatment plants are aging, water demand is surging, and more frequent extreme weather events threaten our water security—each driving up water management ...
How Cities Can Drive Change with the New UN Sustainable Development Goals
How Cities Can Drive Change with the New UN Sustainable Development Goals
This weekend, from September 25 – 27, more than 150 world leaders will convene in New York City for the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit to develop the new sustainable development goals (SDGs). This agreement will serve as the foundation ...
Friday Fun: Innovative Tunnels for Denser, More Resilient Cities, in Videos
Friday Fun: Innovative Tunnels for Denser, More Resilient Cities, in Videos
There are many tools that cities can use to achieve sustainable development; however, one finite resource that will be perpetually limited is space—a necessity for new roads, infrastructure, homes and buildings.  Regardless of what initiatives are set in place, as ...
An Act of Faith in Cities: White House Launches “Smart Cities” Initiative
An Act of Faith in Cities: White House Launches “Smart Cities” Initiative
On Monday, the Obama administration unveiled the “Smart Cities” Initiative for the United States, which recognizes cities as engines of growth and innovation and aims to address local challenges to improve the lives of the country’s growing urban population. The ...
Complete streets in Juice de Fora, Brazil
The data we need to move beyond streets for cars
Too many cities currently evaluate their streets in a way that doesn’t support long-term sustainability. The conventional approach centers exclusively on cars, and how quickly they can move up and down streets. Under this approach, a street receives an “A ...
Well-designed bus rapid transit is one way for cities to improve traffic safety. This was one of many strategies described by panelists at Transforming Transportation for how cities can accelerate efforts to improve road safety in the face of rising motorization. Photo by Jamie Manely/Flickr.
Live from Transforming Transportation: "Speeding up" global action on road safety
Transforming Transportation (#TTDC15) is the annual conference co-organized by EMBARQ, the sustainable urban transport arm of the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, and the World Bank. This year’s conference focuses on Smart Cities for Shared Prosperity, and takes place on ...
Preliminary figures released by the National Health System (SUS) indicate that in 2013, the number of fatalities in Brazilian traffic fell 10% compared to 2012. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
New data indicates Brazil’s streets are getting safer
From 2009 to 2012, the number of traffic deaths on Brazilian streets has increased gradually each year – peaking in 2012, when 44,800 people lost their lives in traffic crashes. However, preliminary data from the National Health System (SUS) indicates ...
Urban gardens, like the one pictured above in Kibera, Nairobi, allow residents to come together for healthier, happier communities. Photo by Colin Crowley/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Urban gardening builds strong, cohesive communities
CNN recently described Cape Town, South Africa as being in the midst of a “vegoultion,” with hundreds of new community gardens and urban farms popping up throughout the city in recent years. The city’s “Green Clusters” are helping to improve ...
Improving building efficiency presents a major opportunity to curb greenhouse gas emissions while saving money and improving quality of life. Photo by deano7000/Flickr.
As cities grow, so should their energy efficiency
If you want to find major emitters of greenhouse gases, look no further than your city’s skyline. Buildings account for more than one-third of all final energy consumption and half of global electricity use. They’re responsible for approximately one-third of ...
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