Posts tagged with 'economic growth'
TDM Mexico City
Mexico City’s Car Congestion Slows Economic Growth, Costs Businesses
A century of car-centric urban development has left our cities polluted, congested, and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars. ...
Downtown in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Friday Fun: Addis Ababa on the frontier of sustainable transport for African cities
East Africa doesn’t make a lot of headlines for its sustainable transport achievements. That’s changing, as its cities are starting to pioneer innovative new projects to bring urban Africa into the spotlight for sustainable development. The challenges in the region ...
Energy and sustainable cities are key to India's economic growth
The two things India must get right for its economic future
Taking even a quick look at India’s current pattern of growth, it’s not hard to see both the rising energy insecurity and the stress that cities across the country are experiencing. Congestion, urban sprawl, and poor access to reliable energy ...
This rendering from Masdar City shows one version of an ideal city of the future. What does your city look like? Photo by Forgemind Archimedia/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Write about your ideal city to win a trip to Masdar City
What will your ideal city look like in 2030? That is the question of the third annual international blogging contest hosted by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company behind Masdar City. One winner will receive a paid trip to Abu ...
As national leaders prepare plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions at COP20, they can look to sustainable transport for win-win solutions that curb emissions while generating jobs, boosting economic growth, and improving public health. Photo by Associacao Ciclocidade/Flickr.
Low-carbon urban transport boosts social and economic development
This week in Lima, Peru, national-level decision makers, mayors, business leaders, international finance institutions, and civil society actors come together for the COP20 climate negotiations, and the world is expecting progress towards an international climate agreement expected to be reached ...
New studies show that economic growth and climate action can go hand in hand through sustainable urban development strategies. Photo by Alex Prolmos/Flickr.
Cities can lead the way as drivers of better growth and a better climate
Cities can drive better economic growth while also reducing climate risk. They are at the forefront of the fight to protect the climate and eradicate poverty, and are often trailblazers in a world in which nation states typically move more ...
Rapid urbanization creates a number challenges for city leaders, but the growing use of sustainable urban mobility solutions provides reasons for optimism in cities worldwide. Photo by Benoit Colin/Flickr.
Five reasons to be optimistic about sustainable urban mobility
According to the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects, cities will add over 2.5 billion people in the next 40 years, with 90% of this growth coming from cities in emerging economies. China and India alone are expected to add 276 million and 218 million urban ...
Urbanization is a driver of both economic growth and global climate change. Between 2011 and 2030, the urban areas of the world are expected to add 1.4 billion people, including 276 million in China and 218 million in India. Photo by Ken Marshall/Flickr.
How cities can save trillions, curb climate change, and improve public health
No strategy for reducing the impacts of global climate change is complete without addressing the challenge of urbanization. Cities contribute about 70% of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, despite only accounting for 2% of global land area. Reducing this environmental impact may ...
India’s ambitious new road safety bill, currently open for public comment, is expected to save lives, grow the country’s economy, and create one million new jobs. Photo by IamNotUnique/Flickr.
What India’s new road safety bill means for cities and citizens
Road safety issues have reached a pinnacle in Indian cities. In 2013 alone, 140,000 people died in traffic crashes, and many more were severely injured. These premature deaths and debilitating injuries put an intense burden not just on families and ...
The construction of the Shanghai Tower is a testament to architectural skill and China's growing economic power, but does this come at the expense of vibrant street life? Photo by Jerry Yang/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Shanghai Tower raises questions on the future of walkability
Shanghai Tower, designed by transnational architecture design tycoon Gensler, will soon become the third tallest building in the world this year. Once complete, it will proudly join Shanghai’s already crowded skyline, which currently consists of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, ...
Alternative currencies have potential to help developing cities.
Utavi: On community development, urbanization, and digital currencies
Alternative currencies have the potential to catalyze community development in rapidly urbanizing areas. Photo by Angela Sevin. About the author: Raj Ramamurti is the founder and CEO of Utavi, a digital startup focused on alternative digital currency. He has more ...
An ethanol production plant in Brazil. Photo by . Shell.
The challenges of ethanol in Brazil
While a debate continues about the future of biofuels, Brazil is currently facing an important decision for its own future. Ethanol from sugar cane emerged in the years 2000 as a potential alternative to fossil fuels and possibly a game-changer ...
Research Recap, October 22: Energy Security in the US, India's Dire Infrastructure, Washington's Not-So Suburban Future
Research Recap, October 22: Energy Security in the US, India’s Dire Infrastructure, Washington’s Not-So Suburban Future
  Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Middle Income Families Spending More for Transport & Housing The Center for Housing Policy and ...
New Competition: Visualizing Transport Data for Sound Policy and Investments
New Competition: Visualizing Transport Data for Sound Policy and Investments
The United States Department of Transportation and the Transportation Research Board are sponsoring a data visualization competition, understanding that informed decision-making, based on sound data and analysis, is the cornerstone in crafting effective transportation policies and investments. The competition is ...
Challenges to Urbanization in Tianjin
Challenges to Urbanization in Tianjin
A recent episode of the CNN series, Future Cities, highlights the challenges Tianjin, China faces as it follows a recognizable urbanization model. Currently the city houses 11 million residents with more on the way. According to Richard Quest, the host ...
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