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On February 23 the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) launched the Energy Efficiency in Buildings laboratory (EEB Lab) in Shanghai. In a city where 18.4 percent of emissions come from buildings, the EEB Lab is engaging local stakeholders ...
Physical inactivity is one of the ten leading risk factors for death worldwide. Approximately 5.3 million people die prematurely every year due to cardiovascular diseases, breast and colon cancer and diabetes and other illnesses associated with sedentary lifestyles. According to The ...
Major changes in thinking never happen easily. Projects that change established structures and routines typically encounter significant resistance along the way. Changing entrenched thinking, therefore, often requires finding ways to demonstrate the positive impacts of change. Paulista Aberta is one ...
For some building owners, renovations—including retrofitting heating, cooling, and lighting systems—can be a way to attract tenants. For homeowners, improving insulation can make for more comfortable as well as energy efficient homes. For industry, more efficient equipment means expanding production ...
With rising air pollution to costly traffic congestion and increasingly burdened public finances, cities need to transition onto a sustainable path towards healthy, productive and equitable urban communities. To thrive in the coming urban century, cities will need to innovate ...
Although Lima’s Villa El Salvador neighborhood was just a dusty plain called the Tablada de Lurín in 1971, it would soon become home to some of the city’s poorest residents. At the time, there were no electricity lines, no wells, ...
More than 15 million people in the UK live in areas that have already adopted or are currently adopting speed limits. This data comes from the 20’s Plenty for Us, an organization in the UK dedicated to lowering speed limits ...
From air pollution to intense traffic congestion, China faces an array of environmental and resource challenges, many of which are a result of its urbanization and development over the past few decades. In Beijing—as across most of the country—concerns over ...
How can we tackle the challenge of traffic congestion? What is driving urban sprawl? How does public transportation relate to issues of equity? In the following interview, TheCityFix sat down with Todd Litman, Founder and Executive Director of the Victoria ...
Across the world, young and dynamic businesses are leveraging technology to improve last-mile connectivity and deliver more efficient mobility solutions. While access to on-demand services like Uber and Ola has often made commuting in cities more convenient, it is unclear ...
As part of Bogotá’s 16th annual car-free day on February 4, 2016 the city reaffirmed its commitment to safe cycling by converting one of the four lanes on Carrera 11—a major road—into a two-way bike lane. The road has included ...
Talk to any data expert, and you’ll probably hear about how data is revolutionizing urban transport. Without access to travel information, people are left in the dark when it comes to planning their day—a major inefficiency for any city. For ...
People with access to real-time transit information have been shown to spend 15 percent less time waiting at bus stops than people without this information. Additionally, a study of Chicago’s bus routes found that access to real-time transit information increased ...
How livable a community is depends on many factors like affordability, health, safety, connectivity, infrastructure and services. As cities around the world grow, urbanization can often threaten a city’s livability by causing land prices and housing costs to rise. Moreover, ...
In the last 15 years of my professional career, many concepts around urban development have come and gone, but none have evoked such an excitement as the Narendra Modi government’s proposed 100 Smart Cities initiative, that has a price tag ...
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