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Photo courtesy of J. Weinert, Univ of Calif, Davis Dr. Tuan Le An, from Hanoi University of Technology, who is EMBARQ’s counterpart in Hanoi for our emissions project, kindly drove me 6 km back to the Melia on his Honda ...
A friend of mine who lived in Los Angeles once told me that on bad days the city felt like one large parking lot. These days things have improved…slightly. That’s because LA now boasts the construction of the first sustainable ...
Last week, our friends over at autobloggreen wrote about a new website launched in Britain which aims to provide consumers with environmental information about automobiles. The site, Clean Green Cars, markets itself as “a green motoring guide,” and asserts that ...
The above graphic illustrates how the highest concentrations of carbon monoxide and ultra-fine particles occur at the center of roads. As the graphic shows, the further you move from the road, the lower your exposure is to these particles. Dr. ...
A Tampa Bay news service reports that the Manatee County Florida School District is the first school district to receive hybrid buses through the Plug-In Hybrid Electric School Bus Project. The article notes that, “The hybrid school buses provide 70-100 ...
The buzz surrounding biofuels grew even louder this week during President Bush’s high profile visit to Brazil. Bush met with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Sao Paolo, where the two leaders signed a new green fuels agreement ...
In a talk that appealed to computer geeks, policy wonks and transport engineers alike, Prof. Toni Lindau, EMBARQ’s CTS-Brasil Director, discussed his new “Microscopic Bus Rapid Transit Simulator.” Prof. Lindau presented his innovative software tool at EMBARQ’s “Transforming Transportation” event, ...
Wrapping up Sunday afternoon’s discussion, Lee Schipper, EMBARQ‘s Research Director, asked fellow transportation gurus the “million dollar” question: Why do governments and funders tackling transportation problems so often pursue high-cost solutions, like highways and rail systems, when there are solutions ...
During EMBARQ‘s Sunday session at the Transportation Review Board’s annual meeting I noticed that one of the day’s ongoing discussion topics dealt with the relationship between transportation policy and class politics. Transportation policy affects all citizens, but it does not ...
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