Posts in the 'Urban Development' category
On Tuesday December 2nd, World Resources Institute (WRI) hosted a session at the Cities & Regions Pavilion – TAP2015 at COP21. Entitled “Better Cities in a New Climate Economy,” the session shared the results of the New Climate Economy (NCE) cities ...
As cities around the globe buckle under intense car congestion, some have begun encouraging residents to walk and bike instead of relying on personal vehicles. Walkable urban places (WalkUPs) provide residents with a variety of dining choices, commute options and ...
This blog is part of our World Resources Report (WRR) series. The WRR looks at cities as drivers of economic and social opportunity, and simultaneously as areas with concentrations of poverty, environmental degradation, and inequality. Responding to these opportunities and ...
Brazil’s Minha Casa, Minha Vida (MCMV – “My House, My Life” in English) program was created to provide housing and improve quality of life for low-income families across the country. Currently, more than 9.6 million low- and low-middle income families reside in ...
City design is at the root of many of our global problems. With traffic crashes the leading cause of death among young people and congestion burdening the economies of countless cities worldwide, it’s imperative that we develop our streets, neighborhoods, ...
As they rapidly develop, many cities around the globe continue to clear urban forests for grey infrastructure. Indeed, roads, buildings and other parts of the built-environment are absorbing volumes of urban greenery, as trees and grass often lack priority within ...
It’s been over 19 years since the UN’s last Habitat conference—and with only one year left until Habitat III, countries across the globe are preparing for the UN’s next global conference on human settlements. Habitat III will be in Quito, ...
Today (October 16) marks World Food Day, when communities across the world take a stand against hunger and food insecurity. Hunger is a particularly important issue in cities, since poor households in urban areas spend anywhere from 60 to 80 ...
This morning kicked off the second day of the International Congress on Sustainable Cities and Transport (“XI Congreso”) in Mexico City, where urban planners and transport experts have gathered to brainstorm on how to build more “human cities.” Today’s workshops, panels and ...
TheCityFix is coming to you live from Mexico City this week, where EMBARQ Mexico is hosting the 11th annual International Congress on Sustainable Cities and Transport (“XI Congreso”) today through Wednesday. The conference is aimed at helping cities work toward ...
From October 12 to 14, EMBARQ México will host the XI Cities and Transport International Congress, where decision makers will participate in workshops and discuss how infill development can help Mexico City and other cities achieve a connected, compact, and ...
This weekend, from September 25 – 27, more than 150 world leaders will convene in New York City for the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit to develop the new sustainable development goals (SDGs). This agreement will serve as the foundation ...
There are many tools that cities can use to achieve sustainable development; however, one finite resource that will be perpetually limited is space—a necessity for new roads, infrastructure, homes and buildings. Regardless of what initiatives are set in place, as ...
On Monday, the Obama administration unveiled the “Smart Cities” Initiative for the United States, which recognizes cities as engines of growth and innovation and aims to address local challenges to improve the lives of the country’s growing urban population. The ...
Today marked the second and final day of the Cities & Transport International Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where more than 1,000 participants and 130 speakers gathered to share their experiences and ideas on how to forge sustainable cities. ...
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