Reassessing Transantiago: A Photo Essay
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. Photos by Dario Hidalgo.

I recently traveled to Santiago, Chile for the World Bank to assess the current state of “Transantiago” – the city’s ambitious and highly controversial transport reform project launched in February 2007. I was pleasantly surprised to find substantial improvements in the system, which was made infamous by its highly-publicized growing pains (for more info, check out an article that I contributed to in The Economist that covers the political fallout from the project).

The photo essay above contains photos of Transantiago I took on my trip. I hope it will provide readers with a closer look at the improving transport situation in the Chilean capital. To see a brief caption for each image, simply click on the photo.

For more info:
– Read more about my World Bank-sponsored assessment mission.
– Watch a short video I took of a Transantiago bus in action.

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